
Friday, October 17, 2008

Unleash - Releasing Potential and Producing Power

Check this great article I came across. It's called, "Unleashing the Genius in Your Workforce."
Here is a teaser.

How do you distinguish between talent and genius?

It's a subtle yet significant shift in thinking. Every employee has talent of some kind: He or she is skilled at being able to analyze numbers, bring products to market, or close sales deals.
But talent is just the starting point.
Genius is talent unleashed.
It's the ability to exploit each employee's unique values, passions, strengths, curiosity, and intuition so they can add greater value, transforming themselves and their organizations. Every employee possesses a personal genius.
It just has to be set free.

Here's how I really distinguish talent from genius.
Talent creates, but genius innovates.
Talent excels while genius exceeds.
To quote German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, "talent hits a target no one else can hit, while genius hits a target that no one else can see."

There's so much human potential that lies dormant within organizations—potential that companies aren't tapping into that could help them achieve greater success. Instead of tackling the talent gap, companies need to focus on unshackling the genius inside their organizations because it will give them far greater gains.
You can read the rest of the article here.

PS - I love the word "unleash" - I came across it in July this year - it has been bouncing around inside for awhile now - and thoughts like this have been a magnet to the word recently.

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