
Friday, July 24, 2009

Integrity in My Work Matters - Alan Goode

I really enjoyed Alan's part 3 message last weekend of our current series, My Work Matters.

Here is a bit of his message opening. Good one Alan!

I want to spend a short time talking about marketplace ministry.

Too many people make the distinction between their work and their service to God. Because of this wrong belief it causes sincere believers to distinguish what they do on the job from what they do on Sundays.

Unfortunately many marketplace Christians end up feeling second class when compared to people who serve full time in a church. This should not be the case. No matter the occupation, Christians who work at secular jobs or live out lives in the general marketplace need to know just how important a part they have to play in building the kingdom of God.

When marketplace Christians are reduced to second-class status by wrong and ungodly mindsets, the church is automatically deprived of its most strategically placed soldiers because they are the ones closest to the enemies command and control centers. With the correct mindset and if properly equipped, they can do lethal damage to the kingdom of darkness and see many won across to the kingdom of God.

This is why the devil allocates so many of his resources to make marketplace Christians feel so unqualified and inferior in spiritual matters. The devil fears marketplace Christians will fulfill their divine destiny in the marketplace and bring the kingdom of God to it. To prevent this from happening he constantly disqualifies them by debasing their occupation in various ways. He paints them as materialistic and unspiritual and tells them that it is less spiritual than church work. These ungodly mindsets can turn a powerful force into a farce.

The devil is afraid of what sort of damage marketplace Christians full of light and salt can do. This is what the kingdom of God is all about!

If we limit our spiritual functionality to only church on a Sunday we reduce a potential 168 hours of effectiveness a week down to about 2 to 3 hours where we can invite others to church (if we do). When this occurs that which should be a powerful movement becomes at risk of becoming a monument!

If every Christian went to work or their part of the marketplace fully convinced that he or she is on a mission from God and serving God through their labor, our cities would be transformed.

Alan also mentioned 4 general levels of Christian mindset relating to the marketplace.

We'll post them tomorrow - so stay tuned!

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