
Thursday, June 18, 2009

ReachOut! - Live a Life of Action

I read this great post from Steve Penny and thought of our current ReachOut! series.

Steve has captured the essence of one of the main points of this series... get on the front foot!

Over to you Steve!

I was speaking recently to a conference on leadership and urging them to understand the power of taking action.
So often in our lives it is the inertia of inactivity that locks us into a spiralling cycle of negative and destructive habits.

If only I had acted at the time; or, I should have jumped at the chance.

Why didn’t I do something?
Over and over again you hear people lamenting their inactivity and loss of an opportunity.

Action creates action. When you take action, further actions are required, and so you begin to make progress and build momentum.
The lawn never gets cut while you sit and watch television, but once you decide to act, the lawn soon gets mown and usually then the car gets washed or some other chore gets completed. Why?

Because action creates action.

Make up your mind to live an action packed life.

Do not be a spectator watching others have all the excitement of action in their lives.
Get enthusiastic about something in your life and take action.
Enthusiasm produces energy; energy produces action; action produces achievement and achievement produces enthusiasm.

Once you get started on any project just keep the action happening and soon momentum will kick in, and you will be amazed at how much can be achieved.
Life was meant to be lived through creative action not through reaction.
Take control and decide to act creatively to make your life what you once dreamed it could be.

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