She recently did this top post called Neglecting to Read Your Bible.
Here is a sample from her "snapshot"
On the Reading of Scripture (Or the Lack Thereof) There is no question that the church of Jesus Christ in Australia (and in much of the Western world) is not exactly in great shape. The church is very far way from where it is supposed to be. And it is certainly not having the impact that it should be having.
There are of course many reasons for this. But one clear reason has to do with our lack of devotion to the word of God. This fact was even picked up in the secular press not long ago. It involved a large study of Australian Christians and their Bible reading habits. It turns out there is not much of a habit at all. Regular reading of God’s word seems to be on the decline. Here is how one press account explains the situation.......
Well worth checking out the rest of the snapshot here.
The bloglink refers to a news article. It is called "Confession: fewer know their Bible" from the Sydney Morning Herald. Here is the link. Great research!
And also weighs in from a Bill Muehlenberg blog post called"On the Reading of Scripture (or the Lack Thereof).
Here is a snippet from Bill:
Much more can be said about what Scripture itself says concerning the importance of the daily study of, and meditation on, the word of God. There is no way a believer can grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ without regular, disciplined reading and study of Scripture.
Here's the rub - have you read today yet?
I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart so I won't sin myself bankrupt. Psalms 119:11 (MSG)
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