
Friday, July 31, 2009

"Fullness" - What a Word!

I have been captivated in recent months by the word "fullness."

Live full lives, full in the fullness of God - Ephesians 3:19 (MSG)

And God placed all things under his (Jesus) feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way - Ephesians 1:21-23 (NIV)

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore - Psalms 16:11 (AMP)

The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness - John 10:10 (NLT)

I did up this visual thesaurus for the word "fullness"..... helps me get a "fuller" appreciation of the word "fullness."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

7 Days Without God

The Power of Prayer - Evan Almighty Style

I used this media clip recently at the Connecting with God CLASS .

It is from the start of the movie, Evan Almighty, and it is about prayer.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ben Naitoko is Coming - Sunday 9 August - 10am

We have a new series starting this Sunday. That is always good.

What is extra exciting is that Ps Ben Naitoko from Metro Church Brisbane will be with us the weekend after. Yes!!!

He made a real impact last time he was with the Westlifers.
And his message will be drawn out of Ephesians with the theme of Be Empowered to be a Territory-Taker!!

As Phil Pringle would say, "See you in church!" 10am.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Panel - Leading Upwards

Here is John, Jeanette and Craig. They were the panel speakers this
morning and they were brilliant.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Day of Paper Plane Making

Part of my arvo off involved making a range of paper planes with the
kids. My son bought this great paper airplane book during our Sunday
arvo coffee run to New Farm.

Folded paper .... who would have thought so much family fun!

Challenges in My Workplace Matters - The Summary

Here are some quotes from yesterday's part 4 message.

The number 1 source of stress in the workplace is difficult people.

Difficult people are as reliable as death and taxes. They are always going to be there. In fact, you can’t even go to church to avoid difficult people.

Westlife Church is not a collection of saints and perfect people. Westlife is a hospital for difficult people. We are recovering difficult people. That’s why we are here. We are just trying to do better. We are a community of real people and we are a real community.

I found that real community is the place where the person you would least like to be there, is always there. That’s real community.

Not only is it impossible to avoid difficult people, but, you may find this hard to swallow, but God intentionally places difficult people in your life.

Why would God place me and you around difficult people? Here are 3 reasons:
1. To alert you to the same problem in your own life.
2. To reveal your character.
3. To produce Godly character in you.

5 steps to dealing with difficult people:
1. control your tongue,
2. respond with kindness,
3. avoid a destructive argument.
4. resolve conflict quickly
5. love unconditionally

To love those people who are difficult requires something that John Ortberg calls “double vision” - the ability to see people as God sees people.

I John 4:11, “Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.”

We are to love people “as is”..... “just as” God loves us.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Workplace Stress - Video Clip Montage

We finished the My Work Matters teaching series today. I really enjoyed it.

We were moving through the teaching pretty quick and ... so quick that I forgot to introduce this media clip that the team did up about workplace stress ... bummer.

Here it is anyway. You can view it below.

Talk about stress!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

4 General Levels of Christian Mindset Relating to the Marketplace

We highlighted some of Alan Goode's message notes yesterday.

He did part 3 of the current My Work Matters teaching series at Westlife.

4 General Levels of Christian Mindset Relating to the Marketplace.

1. POW’s – For them the marketplace is an evil place and they feel they can just hold their ground. Survival is their objective, needing a lot of maintenance as they see themselves as POWs, forced to survive with dignity in an undignified place.

2. Under Cover Agents - These are those who apply Christian principles in the marketplace. They believe that these principles will help them to overcome temptation and to keep a good testimony. Basically they are settling for a draw – they will not change the marketplace and the marketplace will not change them.

3. Blues Brothers – These are on a ‘mission from God’ – they believe that they can work in the marketplace in the fullness of Holy Spirit. They seek God every day, they hear from him, and they implement what He tells them to do. They are ‘open for business’ in the marketplace.

4. Transformers – This last level are those who see themselves on a mission to transform the marketplace (evangelists) and believe that they with God’s help can do it.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Integrity in My Work Matters - Alan Goode

I really enjoyed Alan's part 3 message last weekend of our current series, My Work Matters.

Here is a bit of his message opening. Good one Alan!

I want to spend a short time talking about marketplace ministry.

Too many people make the distinction between their work and their service to God. Because of this wrong belief it causes sincere believers to distinguish what they do on the job from what they do on Sundays.

Unfortunately many marketplace Christians end up feeling second class when compared to people who serve full time in a church. This should not be the case. No matter the occupation, Christians who work at secular jobs or live out lives in the general marketplace need to know just how important a part they have to play in building the kingdom of God.

When marketplace Christians are reduced to second-class status by wrong and ungodly mindsets, the church is automatically deprived of its most strategically placed soldiers because they are the ones closest to the enemies command and control centers. With the correct mindset and if properly equipped, they can do lethal damage to the kingdom of darkness and see many won across to the kingdom of God.

This is why the devil allocates so many of his resources to make marketplace Christians feel so unqualified and inferior in spiritual matters. The devil fears marketplace Christians will fulfill their divine destiny in the marketplace and bring the kingdom of God to it. To prevent this from happening he constantly disqualifies them by debasing their occupation in various ways. He paints them as materialistic and unspiritual and tells them that it is less spiritual than church work. These ungodly mindsets can turn a powerful force into a farce.

The devil is afraid of what sort of damage marketplace Christians full of light and salt can do. This is what the kingdom of God is all about!

If we limit our spiritual functionality to only church on a Sunday we reduce a potential 168 hours of effectiveness a week down to about 2 to 3 hours where we can invite others to church (if we do). When this occurs that which should be a powerful movement becomes at risk of becoming a monument!

If every Christian went to work or their part of the marketplace fully convinced that he or she is on a mission from God and serving God through their labor, our cities would be transformed.

Alan also mentioned 4 general levels of Christian mindset relating to the marketplace.

We'll post them tomorrow - so stay tuned!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's Giving Time! The Prayer We Pray

I am a big believer in a God that favours people. And especially when they first Him "first place" and obey Him.

Every couple of months we pray this prayer at Westlife as we give. It builds faith and expectancy... and lifts our spirits to be aware f God's possible blessing in our lives.

Since we prayed the prayer last Sunday... in our family.... we found $2 in a coffee shop and then found a $20 note in a carpark. What a week!

As we give our tithes and offerings today, we trust the Lord for :
• Opportunities to be an effective witness
• Wisdom, diligence, and trustworthiness
• Jobs and better jobs
• Raises, bonuses, and increased benefits
• God-Ideas

• Strategies and insights that produce wealth
• Record-breaking sales
• Profitable customers
• Favourable settlements
• Estates and inheritances

• Bills paid off
• Money found
• Cheques in the mail
• Prosperous relationships

It’s giving time!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Step Up, Keep Stretching and Lift that Lid!

Leadership is a great thing.

John Maxwell says heaps about leadership.... all good stuff.

His side-kick, Dan Reiland, says great stuff too.
Dan has this great fortnightly email called Pastors Coach. I have referenced it before.. and I tried to find this great quote he used in 2008 in relation to church board members.... but I can't find my blog entry.

Anyway, here is a cut n paste.....

If you are a pastor, my encouragement is that you give a copy of this article to your lay leaders. Let them mull over what I have to say, and use it as a springboard for dialogue on what's important for board members in your church.

Here's what I say is important for board members to know:

1. Don't Step Up Unless You're Ready and Willing to Step Down

When my pastor, Kevin Myers, first talked to me about the possibility of serving as a member of our church's board, he explained something that I will never forget. It has since become a foundational principle for me in any kind of leadership. He said, "As long as your leadership is good enough to help the church, you belong on the board. But if the church ever outgrows your ability to lead, you will have to step down."

My purpose on the board is to serve the church and my pastor; not for it or him to serve me. For that reason, I've always held on loosely to my position on our board of elders. I'm acutely aware that it is a privilege to serve in a church where God is working, and I feel lucky to be where I am. God could have chosen anyone to serve Him at 12Stone, yet He picked me. I strive to live a life worthy of the calling I have received (Eph 4:1). And I am determined never to stand in the way of what God is doing at the church.......

What a thought:

"As long as your leadership is good enough to help the church, you belong on the board. But if the church ever outgrows your ability to lead, you will have to step down."

That means as leaders we need to keep growing and streching. So we need to add a good dose of "stretch" and "lift" to our "step up."

And then Steve Penny wrote this great blog post today. I have cut n paste the whole lot.

He talks about the challenge of change as a leader. Here goes.....


I find change a challenge.

Having led churches now for over thirty five years one would think that the process of change would become easier with the passing of time.

If anything the change process becomes harder as our years increase. Whether years in life or in a location or job, the challenge of change can often be much harder as time rolls on. Let me tell you why!

FIRSTLY – Change challenges relationships.
Probably the hardest thing to do in life is to move forward when so many around you do not want to arise to go forward.
The choice of a greater tomorrow or more of the same is sometimes as simple as the choice to say farewell to friendships that have become counter productive to you growing up and pressing on in life.

I find that a leader must reinvent themselves at least every seven years and do the same with their team to continue going forward and expanding.
Having applied this principle for years it has helped me see people who have hit a lid in their roles and don’t know why or how to fix it.

Many people can be very effective for a season and then when the organization grows beyond them, they go into a protectionist mode and try to cover the fact that they are now not coping as well as they used to, or being as effective or fruitful.

SECONDLY – The security of familiar surroundings can often be a huge barrier to arising and journeying into unfamiliar territory.
I sometimes think that a good crisis or two can be the catalyst that propels us forward out of our familiar surroundings toward the unfamiliar horizon of our future..
Never despise the tough times in your life as they often force us to become very creative in how we go forward in life.

THIRDLY – The power of positions can become a huge stranglehold on us if we are prone to see achievement as the filling of some position or achieving of some title.
Positions can be very fleeting and should never be seen as a safe place in life. A position should only ever reflect the productivity of a role, and never the attainment of an office or title.
Never allow positional authority to operate in your organization as it will destroy initiative and drive out the young entrepreneurs who are the secret to your future success.

FOURTHLY – The loss of a dream will cause your life and/or organization to grind to a halt.
Focussing on debt reduction and not on future vision will sap people of faith and enthusiasm.
Dreams drag us through the dust of the mundane.
Great achievements are always the result of great dreams.
Dreams demand change as they challenge the status quo of our everyday lives.
However only change the things you need to change on the journey – dont change the journey itself.

Stay true to what you really believe on the inside.


Steve Penny

Did you get that?

"I find that a leader must reinvent themselves at least every seven years and do the same with their team to continue going forward and expanding."


I need to keep adding a good dose of "stretch" and "lift" to my "step up!"

Greater Springfield Church Launch Project - 2005 Promo Clip

I was thinking about how far Westlife has come recently. God has been very good!

And then I remembered our first vision and promo media clip. It was done in Septemeber 2005... that's almost 4 years ago.

Here it is below.

(I still have that great fluro green shirt!)

And then this was "the moment!"

This photo was taken in July 2005 when the Elders of Garden City Christian Church (now Hillsong Brisbane Campus) visited the region and God spoke to all "at the same time."

We were at The Summit - the highest point in the region. It has become a very special place of prayer since then. Notice the background... there is nothing there!!

..... Abraham ..... he dared to trust God to do what only God could do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing.

Romans 4:17 (MSG)

....God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.

Romans 4:17 (NKJV)

...... in whom he believed--the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.

Romans 4:17 (NIV)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Roots and Doctrine and Foundations

Tonight is the start of our first Foundations course as part of our LIFE Development Track @ Westlife.

It is another phase of UNLEASHED! growth, Bible & learning in our great 2009 year.

Here is what Jesus said:

24 "These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living.
They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock.

25 Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.
26 "But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach.
27 When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards."
Matthew 7:24-27 (MSG)

And here is a quote I am using tonight from Charles Swindoll:

What roots are to a tree, the doctrines are to the Christian.
From them we draw
our emotional stability,
our mental food for growth,
as well as our spiritual energy
and perspective on life itself.

By returning to our roots we determine precisely where we stand.
We equip ourselves for living the life God designed us to live.


Hope to see you at 6.55pm with a workbook at Orion.

Care Workers and Prayer Focus - My Work Matters

It was a great Sunday AM last week at Westlife as we continued the My Work Matters series.

Nick ran this great segment before the message where he interviewed some Westlifers who were in key not-for-profit/care roles ... this is their paid role.

Some work with troubled young people, another with some abused teenagers... another works in mental health. All have expereinced violence in their jobs.

Here is how they asked us to pray for them:

· Breakthroughs for those under bondage
· Wisdom
· Protection
· Strength
· Spiritual breakthrough
· Boldness
· That the eyes of the children would be opened
· For people to see God’s story
· For people to grasp the God perspective
· For sensitivity

Let's do that - let's pray - and pray with accuracy.

The Sunrise Collection - Phil Pringle

I did a post recently about Ps Phil Pringle.

He seems to like sunrise photos which he puts up on Twitter. I collect sunrise photos from mobile phones, as well as take my own.

Here is some of the "Phil Pringle collection." Enjoy!

PS - what time did the sun rise today in Brisbane?

Monday, July 20, 2009

"Reactions" Feature

This great pop-up happened recently... "How do I add Reactions to my Blog?"

So I have done it.

Please take a quick moment to give me some "snappy feedback" on some recent posts.


Otherwise click here -

New Online Life Group - WestLIVE - Starts Tonight

I am really excited to hear about something innovative being pioneered that starts tonight at 7.30pm.

It's our first online Life Group called WestLIVE.

This is an exciting new option developed by Tracy Skellern-Smith and Nick Todd

Imagine connecting and sharing, without having to leave your house!

One of our core values at Westlife is "we value relevance (changing methods, unchanging message). Here is a great example of trying something new.

You can check out the promo embedded in the current edition of Westlife News.

Click here to view it.

This is your chance to be part of Westlife history.

PS - Tracy can be "connected with" at her blog....

Great Men of God - Phil Pringle

"I will make the godly of the land my heroes ..."

Psalms 101:6 (TLB).

I really like Ps Phil Pringle. He is a hero!

Here is a bit of what Wikipedia summarises....

Phil Pringle is a pastor, and together with his wife Christine, founder and current leader of the CCC pentecostal church movement. Often described as dynamic and inspiring, his speaking style has made him a well known preacher on the international Pentecostal circuit.

Phil Pringle has a wide-ranging international ministry, speaking in locations as varied as London, Amsterdam, Singapore, Durban, Uppsala, Auckland, Brisbane, Atlanta, New York and Portland.

Pringle is the founder and senior minister of Christian City Church Oxford Falls and founder and president of the Christian City Church International movement of churches......

I have been watching his ministry from afar for about 20 years. The family and I visited his church in October 2006 when we were on holidays in Sydney.

I saw this photo on Twitter recently:

And this is what Ps Phil wrote under his photo:

"Thinking about the three paintings I'm doing this Easter Sunday morning 9am. Getting the music right. I get close to tears thinking about about it listening to the music. See you in church!"
He is funny, creative, loves God and loves to pray.

I have learned alot about prayer and the anointing from him. And I have most of his books.

He has some great photos on Twitter, especially the sunrise photos from his mobile phone. Here is a sample.

I like the photos so much I collect them - and will do a separate post with the sunrise photo collection. watch out for that this Tuesday AM.

Westlife News - Current Edition

Here is another great edition of Westlife News - showed yesterday AM @ Westlife.

These media clips just keep getting betterer and betterer.

Thanks to Ray B and Charlie's Angels.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Great Men of God - A Random Series of Posts

"I will make the godly of the land my heroes ..."
Psalms 101:6 (TLB).

Growing up as a boy, Batman was my favourite. He was my hero.

But since then I have developed a love for God, His House and His people.

I wrote a post back in January 2009 about Ps Paul Grant. He is a hero and man of God.

And I have been thinking lately about how I am as a leader and man of God.

I decided that it was best to focus on others as I got a bit sick of the growing list of things I had to fix, or deal with, or process.

So I will start a series of posts with the label, "Great Men of God." They will be a bit messy but they will be a start. I would rather get something down than nothing at all.

So check out the posts soon.....

Is This Like Your Workplace?- Part 3

Is this a bit like where you work?

We showed this media clip at Westlife this morning as part of the "My Work Matters" series.

Check it out again here.

Blokes in a Shed - The Photos

We had another great night on Friday night with the blokes.

Thanks again to Coenraad and Bevan for their great organising.

Here are a few photos. My favourites are the ones with fire.

My boy enjoyed the fire too.

What man doesn't like fire??!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

LIFT - Shannon Noll

We are starting a new series in August called LIFT! - it's about living in fullness... today!

One of the songs we will be playing in the series is an Aussie favourite ... and I love the lyrics.

You can watch it here on YouTube .... click here

I know you're hurting
Feels like you're learning '
Bout life the hard way
And it ain't working

Seems like forever
That you've been falling
It's time to move on
Your life is calling, yeah

This was never meant to be the end
Close the book and start again

Cos i know how hard it can get
But you've gotta lift, you've gotta lift
And sometimes that's how it is
But I know you're stronger
Stronger than this
You've gotta lift
You've gotta lift

When you can feel your
Whole body's aching
What's left of your heart
It won't stop breaking

You've got to let go you took a hit
Time to pick up now move on from this

View From My Roof

I was up on the roof at home during the week retrieving a toy.

As I got down I hurt my back. It is slowly getting better.

Anyway, when I was up there I took these photos.

Looking at them makes me feel better about my back!

I live in a great region!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Indispensable Man

"...Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment..."
Romans 12:3 (NIV)

In my message last week, "Savvy in My Work Matters" I mentioned this poem that was given to me when I left my first job. I though I was indispensable ... I was pretty good at what I did, but I was not indispensable.

Thanks to the accounts girls who taught me another valuable life-lesson in the workplace!

The Indispensable Man
(by Saxon White Kessinger)

Sometime when you're feeling important;
Sometime when your ego 's in bloom;
Sometime when you take it for granted,
You're the best qualified in the room:

Sometime when you feel that your going,
Would leave an unfillable hole,
Just follow these simple instructions,
And see how they humble your soul.

Take a bucket and fill it with water,
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out and the hole that's remaining,
Is a measure of how much you'll be missed.

You can splash all you wish when you enter,
You may stir up the water galore,
But stop, and you'll find that in no time,
It looks quite the same as before.

The moral of this quaint example,
Is to do just the best that you can,
Be proud of yourself but remember,
There's no indispensable man.

Hope to see you at church this Sunday 10am for a great part 3 of the My Work Matters series.

LIFT! - Random "Spirit-Fullness" Thoughts from Ps Jack Hayford

I am really enjoying Jack Hayford's book, Living the Spirit-Formed Life.

He has some great thoughts. Like this one....

It is God’s desire that all believers answer to the call to live the Spirit-filled, Spirit-formed life. This is "the normal Christian life as conceived by Jesus."

He also writes in many other books.
Check some of these quotes out:

Nothing in the believer’s life is more essential in becoming a replication and representative of Jesus Christ than being daily empowered by the Holy Spirit.

From Pentecost until our Lord’s return, the Church’s commission is to receive “power from on high, do business until I come, go into all the world,” and experience “the Lord working with them and confirming the Word through the accompanying signs” (see Luke 24:49; 19:13; Matt. 28:18-20).

The full mandate is only possible through being baptized in the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:5-8; 2:1-4), being continually filled afresh with His love and power (see Rom. 5:6; Acts 4:8; 7:35; 13:52; Eph. 4:18-20), and abiding in the fullness of the Spirit (see also Acts 1:13,14; 2:11).

Then this.....

The Lord did not give us spiritual language as a point of argument but as a resource to capacitate the Church.

Then this.....

Jesus makes clear, however, that there is a difference between the indwelling Holy Spirit and the overflowing Spirit. In John 4, He tells the woman at the well, who needed saving grace, that the water He had to give would become in her a fountain springing up unto everlasting life. Then, in John 7, speaking about the Holy Spirit who would later be given, He says, “Those who believe in Me, out of their inner being will flow rivers of living water.” Jesus distinguishes between coming to receive eternal life at the well of salvation, and rivers of living water that not only refresh us, but also flow out of us in ministry to other people by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Then this.....

I will never argue against the idea that tongues are an evidence of the baptism of the Spirit, because I think there is sufficient evidence for that. But the Lord did not give us spiritual language as a point of argument for the Church. He gave it as a resource to capacitate the Church. The Holy Spirit, who has come to dwell in us, wants to overflow every one of us and, in that overflow, to release His spiritual language.

Thanks Ps Jack Hayford!
I can't wait for our new L.I.F.T! teaching series - living in fullness today!

LIFT! - Live in Fullness Today! - New Series

I get pretty excited about new series artwork!!

(Remember my post here when I released the My Work Matters series?)

In the last 3 months or so I have been captivated by the word "fullness" in the Bible. Just put the word "fullness" in any electronic bible commentary and "presto!"

Here is a sample - what a cracker .........

Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:19 (MSG)

This is a series about living in the fullness of all that God has prepared for us... living in the fullness of His Spirit.

Check out some of the key series thoughts underneath the series artwork (below).

I'll also post a link soon to one of the songs we will be using ... any guesses??

The series starts Sunday 2 August 2009 10am - see you there!

It is God’s deep desire that all believers answer to the call to live the Spirit-filled, Spirit-formed life... “to live in the fullness of God.”

This is the normal Christian life as conceived by Jesus.

It is the kind of life, experience and witness that is described in the book of Acts. The steps forward to the Spirit-formed life are set out in the Bible:

1. Be Spirit-born by repenting for your sins and by putting faith in Jesus Christ as your Saviour, verifying the commitment by obeying Jesus Christ as Lord and being baptised in water (see Acts 2:38,39)

2. Be Spirit-filled by receiving the promise Jesus gave that His followers will receive power – power to move in new dimensions of worship, praise, prayer, service and witness (see Acts 1:5-8; 2:1-4)

3. To “walk in the Spirit” or be Spirit-formed by recognised that the entry door of new birth and the birthright blessing of Holy Spirit fullness are only beginnings – both calling us a believers to growth in Christ likeness and discipleship under His lordship (see Rom 12:1,2; Acts 2:42,46,47).

(Thanks to Ps Jack Hayford for guiding some of my thoughts in this vital area.)

This series will be a gateway for those looking for full-dimensional spirituality ... true Spirit-fullness!

The series starts Sunday 2 August 2009 10am - see you there!

Rocket About to Launch - Inspiring

I was searching for a new image for a new teaching series coming up and came across this image on iStock.

This image does something to me! I am inspired!

I know for sure that Roderick will like it!!

“Worked into Something Good” – Westlife News Bloopers

This is a very powerful Bible verse:

That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
Romans 8:28 (MSG)

God can even turn mistakes into something good.

And here is some proof!

Our last edition of Westlife news was very good.... and here are the bloopers that preceded such a quality edition.

What blooper have you done that God has worked into something good?

Reminds me of an old Gaither hit, “Something beautiful, something good...”

Thursday, July 16, 2009

God's Family, My Family - Westlife Church

We closed our Reach Out! series with a powerful Sunday called Reach Out to each Other.

He is the key text:

So reach out and welcome one another to God's glory. Jesus did it; now you do it!
Romans 15:7 (MSG)

The media team did up this great clip - below - showing some Westlifers talking about their experiences in God's Family. Powerful stuff.... enjoy!!

And I really like how it closes off...

My Attitude is My Boomerang to the World

I was recently reading something powerful from Lee Colan about attitude.

Here are some of the thoughts:

Your attitude toward life is the most important choice you make.

Your attitude reflects your past, describes your present, and predicts your future.

Your attitude is something you can always control. You are the conductor of your own attitude! Nobody else can compose your thoughts for you.

The pursuit of excellence requires you to control your own attitude. If you do, you will create a powerful ripple effect that can have a positive impact on many people and miles away. Your attitude is your personal boomerang to the world.

The right attitude is the root to success. It enables us to stand strong and prevail.

"An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist a calamity in every opportunity." - Winston Churchill

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." - William James

"There's very little difference in people. But that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The BIG DIFFERENCE is whether it is positive or negative." - W. Clement Stone

"Ask yourself a question: Is my attitude worth catching?" - Zig Ziglar

"Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." - Samuel Ullman

Men Never Learn - Part 4

Here is part 4 of a great series of media clips highlighting the brilliance of men.

See you this Friday night, gents, @ Blokes in a Shed - Krypton Place, Carole Park.

Thanks Ken for the use of the "Hilton of sheds!"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blokes in a Shed - This Friday Night

I am really looking forward to this Friday Night with the Westlife Men.

The blokes are meeting in Ken’s Krypton Street, Carole Park super-shed with barrel fire stacks, South African “damper”, surprises and the “Flywheel” movie on the BIG screen.

Bring a chair and nibblies and a friend.

Contact Coenraad Mulder on 0433 950 725 /

or Bevan Smith 0422 372 532

Click here to watch the Flywheel movie trailer and get some more info..

The Mid-Week Menu - Q3

If you are connected with Westlife, there are a lot of options to help you grow and build a great life in the months July, Aug and Sept (Q3 2009)

Here is a picture (below) of the “menu” – it has appeared in the PULSE before. It will help you get organised.

It has been printed on special card and a copy is available for you at the Connect Table this Sunday at Westlife.

So please sign up, grab a card, put it on the fridge, mark your diary, tell the dog to remind you....
... and keep on growing, learning and connecting with others.

Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:19 (MSG)

These options with help you "feed" your spiritual life.

Special thanks to Lourdes for the artwork.

Men Never Learn - Part 3

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Men Never Learn - Part 2

In honour of the men this week here is the second of a series of media clips.... "men never learn."

Watch it below and enjoy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Men Never Learn - Part 1

We have Blokes in the Shed this Friday night at 7pm. Really looking forward to it.

In honour of the men this week here is the first of a series of media clips.... "men never learn."

Thanks Alan Goode for the contribution.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is This Like Your Workplace? - Part 2

Is this a bit like where you work?

We showed this media clip at Westlife this morning as part of the "My Work Matters" series.

Check it out again here.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Work Matters - Part 1 Summary Quotes

If you have been following this blog recently you would have heard about the new "My Work Matters" series at Westlife Church on Sunday mornings 10am.

I'll explain the purpose of this powerful series in another post, but here are some highlights for me from part 1 with Tracy Skellern-Smith.

Servants, do what you're told by your earthly masters. And don't just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you'll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you're serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being Christian doesn't cover up bad work. And masters, treat your servants considerately. Be fair with them. Don't forget for a minute that you, too, serve a Master--God in heaven. (Col 3:22-4:1)

There are 5 levels of leadership:
1. The first level of leadership is from your position.
2. The second level of leadership is leadership is from
3. The third level of leadership is production.
4. The fourth level of leadership is
people development.
5. The fifth level of influence is the personhood level.

Influence takes more than a day.

Rick Warren said “Many Christians don't make the connection between Sunday and Monday. They compartmentalize their life. They think, "Well, I've got a spiritual life and I've got a secular life. My spiritual life is when I read the Bible, when I pray, when I go to church, when I do good things for others. That's my spiritual life." And that's over in one compartment. So then, they think, over in another compartment: "This is my secular life. That's my work, my job, my career, my business decisions, my finances, my pension plan; all these things are my secular life." The word secular isn't in the Bible. It all matters to God; everything in your life – including your work - is important to God. God is as interested in your work as He is in your prayers.

Manage your words well at work. Joyce Meyer calls them “capsules of power.” There is life and death in the power of the tongue. If you manage your thoughts – probably have more success in managing your words. If you have something worthwhile to say – say it briefly and well.

"My Work Matters" Series - Part 1 Summary - Tracy Skellern-Smith

I have been really enjoying the new "My Work Matters" series at Westlife.

It kicked off last Sunday AM with Tracy Skellern-Smith talking about Leadership in My Work Matters.
Tracy has done 3 posts on her blog that summarise the teaching from part 1. They are well worth checking out!

1. My Work Matters - click here.
2. Me - A Leader? - click here.
3. Influence at a New Level - click here.

I'll outline a couple of my highlights in another post.

So keep a watch out!