I also heard him speak at Hillsong Brisbane last Friday Night.

We all can name churches that have “IT,” churches that had “IT” and lost “IT,” and many churches that don’t have “IT.”
So what is “IT?” I don’t know.
I believe that God makes “IT” happen. It is by Him and for Him, and we can’t create it, manufacture it, put it in the bottle and study it. Someone can bring it, and another could kill it.
It’s not a system or a model. It’s not a “seeker-sensitive” deal or a “purpose-driven” deal.
“IT” attracts critics. If you have “IT”, people will shoot at “IT”. You could say “IT” happens…but often “IT” doesn’t. Bad news is, if you have “IT,” that doesn’t mean that you can’t lose “IT.” If you don’t have “IT,” that doesn’t mean that you can’t get “IT.”
The early church had “IT.” Cf. Acts 2:42-47
Here were some of the key quotes from the book:
“We can’t create it. We can’t reproduce it, We can’t manufacture it. It is not a model, a system or a program. You can copy it. It can’t be taught, but it can be caught.”
“Your greatest innovation could come from your greatest limitation- if you have a sincere passion to reach and care for people.”
“When you try something new in ministry, most people will tell you that your idea will never work. Innovation by definiton will not be accepted at first.”
“If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sure sign that you’re not trying anything very innovative.”
“You have more in you then you realize. God has put more in you than anyone knows.”
“In order to reach people that no one is reaching, you’ll have to do things that no one is doing. But, in order to do things that no one is doing, you can’t do what everyone else is doing.”
Hillsong Conference 09 is on this week. Ps Steve Penny is there and wrote this blog today about IT and Craig Groeschell and Hillsong.
Here is the start:
Last night we experienced with awe the opening night of Hillsong Conference 2009. The amazing light and sound show that started the night was indescribable. It was sheerly amazing. However the best was yet to come. The worship was electric and the sense of God’s presence in the place was tangible.
Then Craig Groeschel preached a message on the “IT” factor in our lives. That intangible blessing of God that makes the difference between winning and losing. The messsage brought an amazing response from everyone present and was a life changing moment for us all.
I cant help but be challenged by the Hillsong miracle, which keeps happening year after year, and I have many times tried to see what makes this great church continue to go forward in the grace of God.
Let me suggest a few things that I think are in the mix of the Hillsong “IT”.....
(click here to read the rest of Steve's post) Well done, Steve.
Even though I am not at Hillsong Conference this week I still feel like I am in the "revelation zone."
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