Powerful Stuff!
“prayer is breathing the air of heaven….”
"The key to effectiveness is prayer…"
”prayer is the place of power”
Biblical prayer is impertinent, persistent, shameless, indecorous. It is more like haggling in an outdoor bazaar than the polite monologues of the church - Walter Wink
When a doctoral student at Princeton asked, “What is there left in the world for original dissertation research?” Albert Einstein replied, “Find out about prayer. Somebody must find out about prayer.”
Prayer is the power by which that comes to pass which otherwise would not take place. - Andrew Murray
Prayer is the main channel in which God continues the partnership today - Julian of Norwich
"Poverty stricken as the church is today in many things, she is most stricken here, in the place of prayer. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, but few prayers; many singers but few lingerers; lots of pastors but few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, but little passion; many interferers, but few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere." - Leonard Ravenhill (mid-20th century preacher on revival)
God does nothing but in answer to prayer - William Carey
Prayer is not getting man's will done in heaven. It's getting God's will done on earth.' - Robert Law
Prayer is the key that unlocks all the storehouses of God's infinite grace and power. - R.A. Torrey
Prayer is a summit meeting in the very throne room of the Universe - Ralph Herring
One might estimate the weight of the world, tell the size of the celestial city, count the stars of heaven, measure the speed of lightening, tell the time of the rising and setting of the sun - but you cannot estimate the power of prayer. Prayer is as vast as God is, because God is behind it. Prayer is as mighty as God is because He has committed Himself to answer it - Leonard Ravenhill
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