I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter. - John14:16
In his great book, Spiritual Breakthroughs, Bruce Wilkinson writes: "Imade a dramatic breakthrough when I discovered that right before every temptation, my emotions were distressed (inwardly agitated) and that I was actually seeking for comfort. That's when I remembered the promise,
'I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that hemay abide with you for ever' (Jn 14:14-17).
"Incredibly, Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to be our ever-present source of comfort. I wondered what would happen if I specifically asked Him to comfort me in the time of temptation."
I decided to try.
I prayed:
'Dear Holy Spirit, I'm in desperate need of you. I don't want to sin - please comfort me now.'
At first nothing happened.
How discouraged I felt.
But then I slowly became aware ofsomething - I felt comforted.
I didn't know exactly when I was comforted,I only knew that I was - that my soul felt soothed and no longer in pain. When I turned back toward the temptation, it had miraculously slithered back into the darkness, far away from my senses. I was free.
"I've prayed to my Comforter many times since, and I've discovered two indisputable truths:
(1) The Holy Spirit always - and I mean always -completes His responsibility in my heart.
(2) He always gives me Hiscomfort within 3 minutes, though I can never put my finger on the momentwhen He does.
I call this prayer for comfort, my "3-minute temptation-buster."
Thanks for that Bruce.
We also covered this powerful truth during the 31 Days of Favour campaign we did in Feb 2008.
Why don't you try it!
My latest book
3 years ago
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