
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hold On, Hold Fast - The Greasy Pole Illustration

We had a another great Sunday in the House on the weekend. It was part 3 of the My Next Chapter series.

The BIG idea was to "Hold On and Hold Fast," so I set up this illustration of the Christian life - the greasy pole. Tracy S gave me the concept a while ago... I think she got it from Greg Laurie.

The Christian life is like a greasy pole - you need to hold on and hold fast, coz if you let go you go backwards! Or fall off!

You need to maintain your grip - and the 5 fingers in the grip are a daily quiet-time with God, prayer, weekly attendance at church, commitment to a small group, and serving in the House.

Drop one of these vital "fingers" in the grip and you start to get slippage.

So here goes with an edited video clip!

Special thanks to Chris B for some great video work and DVD turnaround.

And thanks to the generous Sam Skerman for the greasy pole!

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