
Monday, May 18, 2009

Connect with God's Love

Here is a quick summary of my notes from the Saturday PM message.

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
Acts 4:13 (NIV)

They recognized them as companions of Jesus
Acts 4:13 (MSG)

When we are connected with God's love and with Him our lives are different, they are transformed and those around us notice.

The 3 ways that you can connect with God's love:
  1. live the lyrics of the "As I" series theme song
  2. open up a channel to God's presence
  3. have a meaningful daily quiet time
I loved this quote which I used and I got from Wayne Corderio.
Paderewski was a great Polish concert pianist who once said it this way.
He said, “If I stop playing scales for one day and I play in concert, I know it; I can tell.
If I stop playing scales for two days and I play in concert, my coach can tell.
And if I skip three days of scales and I go and do a concert, the world can tell.”

And for a Christian, the foundation of your whole life is your daily devotions.
Those are the scales to a Christian person.
You say, “Andrew, I already study the Bible a lot. I mean, I go to church and this …”
No, I’m not asking you to study the Bible; I’m going to challenge you to invest time to sit at Christ’s feet on a daily basis and let the Bible study you.
Are you connected to God's love on a daily basis at a quality level?

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