
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Church Governance

I am a happy lad!!

I came across this post from Mark Connor from CityLife Church in Melbourne.

I visited the church in 2000 as part of a study tour I did with their executive team.

Some of our team are working with me our incorporation and constitutional processes. I think it is exciting stuff! And I feel that I have been shaped for this season.

So Mark's post was such a bonus - and they generously gave me a copy of their constitution recently. Good one!

Here is a start of the post:

In many ways, churches tend to rise and fall based on the quality of their leaders. Strong godly leadership is important, as is good governance, clear decision-making processes, and appropriate accountability.

When it comes to the subjects of leadership and governance, the New Testament presents a fairly fluid and emerging model for local churches. That's why there are so many different views on what church leadership should look like today. [For a detailed look at the subject of leadership as portrayed in the New Testament, click here to download a paper I wrote on this topic as part of my Master's Degree at Ridley College back in 2001 -
A New Testament Pattern for Church Leadership]..........

Click here to read the rest.

The post is practical, relevent, and solid.

Thanks Mark!

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