
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Trialing a quick new blog entry - I just got distracted!

I am clearing up some early morning emails.. and while doing so came across this great link about blogging. So I was about to "file it" for later use... but then thought "heck" why not trial adding a quick post and seeing how long it will take!
So I am typing fast to purge this distracted but strategic moment - because "momentum is my friend!"

Check out this link to "12 Traits of Successful Bloggers" by Darren Rowse at
I got the link to work by adding to the bold title of this post - saves you cutting n pasting this link

PS - I know there is a way to hyperlink this stuff but that is something on my "must learn to do real quick" list - so watch this space!! I have blogging training wheels on!!

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