
Friday, April 24, 2009

ANZAC Day - Mark Edwards

I really enjoyed Mark's post about ANZAC Day. I have included a section below and then you click the link to read the rest.

I will be attending the service being held at USQ Springfield starting at 5.45am.

There are some traditions in our family that despite our increasing busy and independant lives, all of the family want to keep. ANZAC Day is one of those wonderful traditions - the Edwards family bleary eyed (apart from me none like early rising when they don’t have to) attend the dawn service at the RAAF base Amberley. It is dark when we arrive then the sun rises during the service - it is truly beautiful and attended by well over a thousand people. Then home for a cooked breakfast - I love the experience.

ANZAC Day continues to grow, in the sense that rather than less people attending the dawn services and marches across the nation more people are attending - there are even suggestions that it is now our country’s unofficial National Day.

For me personally it is a day where.....
(click here to read the rest)

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